High-speed downlink TDoA

I am trying to setup High-speed Downlink TDoA demo with the command line so that I can export the data and understand the config.
I assume that to get the possition on the tag, the command is “les”.
But i get:
leaps> les
Below is the detail of the config.
Thanks for your help!

ANCHOR @ x=0 y=0
[000059.025 INF] release: LEAPS RTLS v0.16.2-f62ddf
[000059.025 INF] sys: main main_ver=x02020001 cfg_ver=x01040000 batt=70%:2952mV:discharging board=LC14_B
[000059.026 INF] uwb: ch9 prf64 plen128 pac8 txcode9 rxcode9 baud6800 phrmodeext phrratestd sfdtypeieee4a sfdto129 stsmodeoff stslen64 pdoamodem0
[000059.026 INF] uwb: tx_pwr=x34/xD6D6D6D6 sts:shr:phr:data=24.2:24.2:24.2:24.2[dB] cpl=FCC/ETSI pgcnt=237 temp=25
[000059.027 INF] uwb: lna=1 pa=0 rf1=1 rf2=0 xtaltrim=40 tx_delay=16431 rx_delay=16431
[000059.027 INF] uwb: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA6879129099AC
[000059.067 INF] mode: ani (act,real)
[000059.068 INF] uwbmac: connected prof=3 (manual)
[000059.068 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000059.068 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=1 ble=1 leds=1 init=1 uab=1 bh=auto bh_stat=off cr=1 upd_rate_stat=30 label=ID99AC
[000059.069 INF] enc: off
[000059.069 INF] ble: addr=68:79:12:90:99:AD
leaps> pg
pg: x:0 y:0 z:0 qf:100

ANCHOR @ x=79 y=0
leaps> si
[000076.944 INF] release: LEAPS RTLS v0.16.2-f62ddf
[000076.944 INF] sys: main main_ver=x02020001 cfg_ver=x01040000 batt=70%:2957mV:discharging board=LC14_B
[000076.945 INF] uwb: ch9 prf64 plen128 pac8 txcode9 rxcode9 baud6800 phrmodeext phrratestd sfdtypeieee4a sfdto129 stsmodeoff stslen64 pdoamodem0
[000076.945 INF] uwb: tx_pwr=x34/xEEEEEEEE sts:shr:phr:data=26.5:26.5:26.5:26.5[dB] cpl=FCC/ETSI pgcnt=229 temp=25
[000076.946 INF] uwb: lna=1 pa=0 rf1=1 rf2=0 xtaltrim=40 tx_delay=16434 rx_delay=16434
[000076.946 INF] uwb: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA6879129099A8
[000076.971 INF] mode: an (act,-)
[000076.971 INF] uwbmac: connected prof=3 (manual)
[000076.971 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000076.971 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=1 ble=1 leds=1 init=0 uab=1 bh=auto bh_stat=off cr=0 upd_rate_stat=30 label=ID99A8
[000076.989 INF] enc: off
[000076.989 INF] ble: addr=68:79:12:90:99:A9
leaps> pg
pg: x:79 y:0 z:0 qf:100

ANCHOR @ x=79 y=50
leaps> si
[000141.354 INF] release: LEAPS RTLS v0.16.2-f62ddf
[000141.354 INF] sys: main main_ver=x02020001 cfg_ver=x01040000 batt=70%:2973mV:discharging board=LC14_B
[000141.355 INF] uwb: ch9 prf64 plen128 pac8 txcode9 rxcode9 baud6800 phrmodeext phrratestd sfdtypeieee4a sfdto129 stsmodeoff stslen64 pdoamodem0
[000141.355 INF] uwb: tx_pwr=x34/xDEDEDEDE sts:shr:phr:data=25.0:25.0:25.0:25.0[dB] cpl=FCC/ETSI pgcnt=235 temp=25
[000141.355 INF] uwb: lna=1 pa=0 rf1=1 rf2=0 xtaltrim=40 tx_delay=16435 rx_delay=16435
[000141.356 INF] uwb: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA68791290A0C8
[000141.381 INF] mode: an (act,-)
[000141.381 INF] uwbmac: connected prof=3 (manual)
[000141.381 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000141.381 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=1 ble=1 leds=1 init=0 uab=1 bh=auto bh_stat=off cr=0 upd_rate_stat=30 label=IDA0C8
[000141.400 INF] enc: off
[000141.400 INF] ble: addr=68:79:12:90:A0:C9
leaps> pg
pg: x:79 y:50 z:0 qf:100

ANCHOR @ x=0 y=50
leaps> si
[000045.063 INF] release: LEAPS RTLS v0.16.2-f62ddf
[000045.063 INF] sys: main main_ver=x02020001 cfg_ver=x01040000 batt=70%:2955mV:discharging board=LC14_B
[000045.063 INF] uwb: ch9 prf64 plen128 pac8 txcode9 rxcode9 baud6800 phrmodeext phrratestd sfdtypeieee4a sfdto129 stsmodeoff stslen64 pdoamodem0
[000045.064 INF] uwb: tx_pwr=x34/xFEFEFEFE sts:shr:phr:data=28.1:28.1:28.1:28.1[dB] cpl=FCC/ETSI pgcnt=229 temp=25
[000045.064 INF] uwb: lna=1 pa=0 rf1=1 rf2=0 xtaltrim=37 tx_delay=16437 rx_delay=16437
[000045.065 INF] uwb: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA6879129099A2
[000045.078 INF] mode: an (act,-)
[000045.078 INF] uwbmac: connected prof=3 (manual)
[000045.078 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000045.108 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=1 ble=1 leds=1 init=0 uab=1 bh=auto bh_stat=off cr=0 upd_rate_stat=30 label=ID99A2
[000045.108 INF] enc: off
[000045.108 INF] ble: addr=68:79:12:90:99:A3
leaps> pg
pg: x:0 y:50 z:0 qf:100

On the tag:
leaps> si
[000949.728 INF] release: LEAPS RTLS v0.16.2-f62ddf
[000949.728 INF] sys: main main_ver=x02020001 cfg_ver=x01040000 batt=71%:3001mV:discharging board=LC13_C
[000949.729 INF] uwb: ch9 prf64 plen128 pac8 txcode9 rxcode9 baud6800 phrmodeext phrratestd sfdtypeieee4a sfdto129 stsmodeoff stslen64 pdoamodem0
[000949.729 INF] uwb: tx_pwr=x34/xA9A9A9A9 sts:shr:phr:data=18.2:18.2:18.2:18.2[dB] cpl=FCC/ETSI pgcnt=240 temp=25
[000949.730 INF] uwb: lna=1 pa=0 rf1=1 rf2=1 xtaltrim=22 tx_delay=16432 rx_delay=16432
[000949.730 INF] uwb: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA687912908204
[000949.752 INF] mode: tn (act,rtdoa,np,le)
[000949.753 INF] uwbmac: connected prof=3 (manual)
[000949.753 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000949.753 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=1 ble=1 leds=1 le=1 lp=0 uab=1 stat_det=1 (sens=2) mode=2 upd_rate_norm=1 upd_rate_stat=1 label=ID8204
[000949.774 INF] enc: off
[000949.774 INF] ble: addr=68:79:12:90:82:05
leaps> les

I see that the anchors were configured too close, which is hindering accurate position calculation. The coordinates are set in millimeter units.
For instance, at coordinates x: 1.0 (meter), y: 0.5 (meter), z: 0 (meter).
To match these coordinates accurately, use the ps command like this: “ps 1000 500 0”.
Kind regards,