For PANS on dwm1001c, the SPI slave and interrupt pins are clearly labeled:
For DWM3001C and LM8, I’m not seeing the labels:
For TLV over SPI, what pins correspond to CS, CLK, MOSI, MISO? Also, where is CORE_INT GPIO mapped?
Hello @stephane
I see, we need to update the documentation here - thanks for notifying us. We will update it in upcoming days.
However all modules are pin compatible - you can solder the DWM3001/LM8 to DWM1001C footprint and it will be working without problems.
Perfect, greatly appreciated! I will move forward with that information and revisit the docs in upcoming days.
Also, I’ve been attempting to connect via email regarding becoming a client, sometimes my emails land in junk. Kindly requesting if you could please check your spam/junk folder for my emails. We’ve integrated old PANs, but this could be an interesting 11th hour switch to LEAPs.